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Horizon 2020  European Union

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An article about Enginency has been published in the local newspaper "Faro de Vigo" (in Spanish)

Publication in the "Faro de Vigo" newspaper 


2016 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN)

Participation in Scientific Congress 




An article about Enginency has been published in the University newspaper due to the Consortium Meeting of 4th of April

Publication in the "DUVI" newspaper 


An article about Enginency has been published in the local newspaper due to the Consortium Meeting of 4th of April

Publication in the "Atlantico" newspaper 


An article about Enginency has been published in the regional newspaper due to the Consortium Meeting of 4th of April

Publication in the "Galicia Confidencial" newspaper 


An article about Enginency has been published in the regional science newspaper due to the Consortium Meeting of 4th of April

Publication in the "GCiencia" newspaper 



Participation in Scientific Congress

EESAP European Conference in Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in Architecture and Planning 



Authors: Lara Febrero, Ana Ogando, Marta Fernández, Enrique Granada and Aitor Erkoreka


Article published in XXXV Jornadas de Gerencia Universitaria

Simulación térmica de la sede de la UNIR. Contraste contra monitorización y análisis de resultados 

Authors: Enrique Granada, Pablo Eguia, Ana Ogando, Diego José Diarte


Article published in Energies

Energy Modelling and Automated Calibrations of Ancient Building Simulations: A Case Study of a School in the Northwest of Spain 

Authors: Ana Ogando, Natalia Cid and Marta Fernández

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